Learning Chinese through Stories

Learning Chinese through Stories

Latest Episodes

1.3.23B 故事解读《塞翁失马,焉知非福》
March 22, 2017

(边)塞 (biān) sài,noun, frontier fortress 翁 wēng,noun, old man 失(去)shī (qù),verb, to lose 焉 y...

1.3.23A 故事《塞翁失马,焉知非福》
March 22, 2017

A blessing may be disguised as a loss and a loss may be disguised as a blessing. This is one thin...

2.1.21B 故事解读《倾斜的伞》
March 10, 2017

倾斜,qīngxié, adj, tilted 踩,cǎi, verb, to step 积水,jī shuǐ, noun phrase, ponding 门口,ménkǒu, noun,...

2.1.21A 故事《倾斜的伞》
March 10, 2017

When the author was a kid, his grandpa always made sure that he got covered by the umbrella while...

3.2.4B 故事解读《姥姥》
March 08, 2017

2015-05-26 12:44 作者:张彦红来源:三联生活周刊 2015年第21期 姥姥对我,其实是特别重要的一个人。因为和二妹只相差一岁半,所以在很小的时候,我就和姥姥姥爷舅舅一家...

3.2.4A 故事《姥姥》
March 08, 2017


March 07, 2017

旅游时,我给母亲挑了一串珍珠项链。母亲生日那天,她高兴地戴上了这串项链。我们先逛街,然后去一家酒店的餐厅吃饭。 吃饭的时候,服务员不小心把饮料洒在了母亲的衣领上。母亲就去了一趟洗手间,去了...

March 07, 2017

On the day when I was celebrating my mom's birthday with her at a restaurant, my mom's pear neckl...

2.2.20B 故事解读《哪吒闹海》
January 11, 2017

哪吒 Né zhā Name, a hero fictional figure in Chinese mythology 闹 nào verb, to start a chaos 龙王 ...

2.2.20A 故事《哪吒闹海》
January 11, 2017

Nezha is a famous fictional figure in Chinese mythology stories. As a kid hero, he rewards the ri...
