Learning Chinese through Stories

Learning Chinese through Stories

Latest Episodes

July 07, 2019

Story explanation ( Part B) of 2.2.28 《好久不见》 词汇;拼音;词性;意思   城市;chéngshì;noun; city 想象;xiǎngxiàng; verb; imagine 日子;rìzi; noun; life 孤独;gūdú; adj; lonesome 熟悉;shúxī; adj; familiar...

June 29, 2019

One of the top hits from Eason Chan who has released 89 records and sold more than 20 million albums.    好久不见 作曲:陈小霞  作词:林夕 我来到你的城市wǒ láidào nǐ de chéngshì ...

June 23, 2019

Nine cheesy pick-up lines that will definitely make your crush smile ! 1. “你有打火机吗?” “ nǐ yǒu dǎhuǒjī ma ? " “没有啊。” " méiyǒu ā . "  “那你是怎么点燃我的心的?” " nà nǐ shì zěnme diǎnrán...

June 15, 2019

Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.3.6 《我的高考》 词汇;拼音;词性;意思 距离;jù lí;Verb;to be apart from 直到......以后;zhí dào... yǐ hòu;Verb phrase;until after... 脚印;jiǎo yìn;Noun;footprint 宛若;wǎn...

June 11, 2019

Millions of students across China were sitting the "gaokao" last week, which decides which university they will go to. How do students cope with the most important exam in their life ? 高考又到了。而距离我的高考,11年已经过去了。...

June 02, 2019

Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.1.5《生活是一场妥协》 词汇;拼音;词性;意思 毕业;bì yè;Verb;to graduate; to finish school 调侃;tiáo kǎn;Verb;to tease 称为;chēng wéi;Verb; to call sth (by a name) 加班;jiā...

May 25, 2019

China's young people are fed up with the "rule of 996". But for Lin Rui and Li Pan, it's the compromise they have to make. ...

May 17, 2019

Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.1.4《母亲给我的礼物》1 成功;chéng gōng;Verb;to succeed 渴望;kě wàng;Verb;to long for 幼儿园;yòu ér yuán;Noun;kindergarten 腻;nì;Adj; tired of 整天;zhěng tiān;Noun;whole day 胡闹;hú...

August 18, 2018

小毛驴 我有一只小毛驴我从来也不骑 有一天我心血来潮骑着去赶集 我手里拿着小皮鞭我心里正得意 不知怎么哗啦啦 我摔了一身泥 我有一只小毛驴我从来也不骑 有一天我心...

June 30, 2018

马友友1 马友友祖籍浙江,一九五五年出生于法国巴黎。那时,他的父亲马孝骏博士和母亲卢雅文女士已在巴黎生活了近二十年,而且已经有一位四岁的女儿马友乘。马友友四岁那年,开始接触乐器。 马孝骏博士本...
