Learning Chinese through Stories

Learning Chinese through Stories

Latest Episodes

3.1.6AB 《别告诉她》
September 28, 2019


1.3.32AB《外面的世界》Special episode (Patrons-only)
September 22, 2019

在这期节目里,我们聊到了80年代最经典的一首歌—《外面的世界》。他也是歌手兼创作人的齐秦最为流行的一首代表作。 Today we are bringing a special episode just for our patrons- “Outside...

September 13, 2019

With more than 25 million records sold as of 2003, Jacky Cheung is regarded as one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" and has been deemed the "God of Songs" of Hong Kong. 她来听我的演唱会 词:梁文福 曲:黄明洲 她来听我的演唱会...

September 05, 2019

Are you gonna buy iPhone 11 ? #新iPhone于9月13日开始接受预订#外媒援引自一位苹果供应商人士的消息显示,苹果新款iPhone...

2.1.28 AB《我是一只小小小鸟》
August 25, 2019

"I am just a little bird"–one of Zhaochuan's biggest hit from 1990, yet one of the all-time top songs.  我是一只小小鸟 wǒ shì yī zhī xiǎo xiǎo niǎo  词:李宗盛 cí : lǐ zōng shèng  曲:李宗盛 qū : lǐ...

《汉语的口音-我们的家乡话》Special episode (Patrons-only)
August 17, 2019

大家好, 今天我们专门给Patrons带来一期特别的节目——《汉语的口音-我们的家乡话》。 在这期节目里,我们聊到了我们的家乡话,我们学习普通话的经验,以及家乡话对我们的意义。...

August 09, 2019

"There is, of course, a now accepted view in the West that deprivation and childhood neglect can increase the likelihood of anti-social and criminal behaviour later in life.  But what strikes me when talking to the children we meet in Sichuan and...

August 04, 2019

China had 61 million left-behind children...that's almost Britan's total population.   ...

July 26, 2019

Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.3.7A《李荣浩》 简体;繁体;拼音;词性;意思 炙手可热;炙手可熱;zhì shǒu kě rè;;lit. (idiom) 可见一斑;可見一斑;kě jiàn yī bān;verb phrase;see a segment of a...

July 14, 2019

A breakout star in Chinese pop music, Li Ronghao is one of the most exciting newcomers in the industry. ...
