

E17. Advanced Facebook Tactics W/ Holly Homer Part 2

May 29, 2015

In this second episode with Holly we dive into some of the advanced tactics you need to understand about Facebook in order to excel.


Check out Holly's Quirky Momma Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/QuirkyMomma?fref=ts) to see her tactics in action! Like her page to monitor how she is implementing these tactics every day.


Some of the most important principles discussed include:

* Facebook Native Video - By uploading video directly to Facebook will increase your reach dramatically. Rather than sharing your videos via Youtube, by uploading it natively to Facebook, your video will be seen by way more people.
* Attract Engagers - Building an audience of people who like your page who found it organically, will ensure you will have a community of engagers rather than people who don't
* Talking About Number is Crucial - Your talking about number outlines how many people have engaged with your page in what is assumed to be the past week. The more people talking about you, the more authority your page will have.
* Understand Your Audience - Track what your audience does within your insights and post more of what is working and less of what isn't.
* Keep Conversation Going - If a post is successful, find similar content 24 hours later to try and keep the audience and conversation going. Momentum is key.
* Post Top Level Content - Share content from platforms that have extremely high talking about rankings. This content will be viewed as Facebook as engaging and proven.
* Controversy Can Increase Reach - By creating controversial topics on your page, it can propel your post to way more people. Keep the controversy within your brand.
* Number of Posts Per Day Can Be a Multiplier - Do not be afraid to post multiple times per day, this will increase momentum, engagement and reach. Not all of your fans see every post, try to post enough so everyone sees your brand at least once every day. (http://www.i3dcreatives.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Advanced.png)

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