

E15. Startup Runway, Speedbumps & Hurdles

May 27, 2015


This episode will bring you up to speed on our team and the latest obstacles we are moving through!
We are going to be stepping back from the Dog Collar GoPro mount unfortunately for now, in order to focus energies on business development and moving forward through unanticipated barriers.

Within the startup community there is a term known as your "Startup Runway". This refers to the length of time you can sustain your startup in the future at your current pace. How this works is by taking your "cash on hand" within the company, divided by your "burn rate", the amount of money you go through per month. This will give you the number of months that you can run your new startup. We have been running close to the end our runway and it is stressful to say the least!

We are excited to be developing a community for people who are a part of the 3D printing revolution to meet, collaborate and create new ideas and innovations with this disruptive technology. You can join the i3D Linkedin group here (https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=8316199). This community will be a discussion platform for people that believe 3D printing will make the world a better place!

You can contact John to start working together by e mailing him at John@i3dcreatives.com

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