The LEAD Women Podcast

The LEAD Women Podcast

30: Fear of Putting Yourself Out There

April 07, 2020

Ashley and Carmen are talking about the Fear of Putting Yourself Out There. Can anyone relate?

One of the reasons Carmen hesitates is because she places a high value on excellence and is learning things on the go, it's a stressor for her.

Remember: Everyone started somewhere. And if you're going to be an influencer, you have to be okay with putting yourself out there. And the first time is always the hardest!
Sometimes we need to get out of our own way. How are you getting out of your own way?
Friends, your worth is secure. Don't let it be determined by people's likes or dislikes. Your worth was settled on the cross.

Everyone has some form of insecurity. You're not alone in your insecurities.

If people don't like something you put out there, they can do one of two things. One, they can talk with you about it. Two, they can let it go.
One step at a time, friend.
You're going to change as you continue to create and experience life. Who you are and what you publish today may change over time. Beth Moore is a classic example of this. Her decision can be found here.

Our advice:

Record and hit publish if you feel a sense that this is what you're supposed to do.
Create the course that's been burning in your soul.
Push through fear, our world needs you.
Start before you're ready, you'll learn as you go.

What would you do if you weren't afraid? How would you show up in this world?

Tag #leadwomenco and tell us how you're pushing through your fears!