AQQOLADE » Podcast

AQQOLADE » Podcast

Episode 7 - Style, Image and Success in the Workplace with Robin Fisher

November 06, 2014
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Bob and Jon welcome Polished Style and Image expert Robin Fisher. Robin believes that any individual, regardless of their size, shape or age can have amazing style that makes them feel confident and look fabulous. Listen as the conversation flows into how personal style impacts the way others perceive, how you’re treated in the workplace and what to do about it. So sit back or keep moving, but do an honest assessment of your physical appearance and prepare to be transformed by the conversation….


During this episode

How does one become a Polish & Image Consultant?

Helping professionals with transitions – transitions in career, industry, location.

How outward appearance impacts confidence and performance.

Robin transformed her career in six months by changing her wardrobe.

Don’t dress to blend. Stand out with the way you walk, talk and dress.

Dress is important, but don’t make the mistake of giving less attention to prospects not dressed to your level.

Self-assess by looking at the three components of style and image: personal dress, body language, verbal

To smile or not smile in the boardroom

Pop your color, and use color palettes to project a strong professional image.

Natural progression or instant transformation when looking to planning a makeover?

Women accessorize. What can men do?

Fashion waits for no one. It’s always evolving.

Your style-personality dictates where you shop and what you buy.

5-7 items per season to refresh the wardrobe.

The Zuckerberg Effect, and how it has impacted fashion and dress in the workplace.

Style and Fashion 2.0

Style and image is a controllable variable in your professional success.


Got questions on style and image? Ask away.