AQQOLADE » Podcast

AQQOLADE » Podcast

Episode 8 - Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace with Joe Santana

November 17, 2014

LearnChair Radio by AQQOLADE – BiWeekly Podcasts

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With Jon out for the day, Bob along with special guest host Devie Dragone welcome Joseph Santana to the podcast. As Siemens’ first diversity officer for their 65,000-employee US operations, Joseph was both the strategic architect and project manager behind their original award-winning program. Listen in as Bob, Devie and Joe dive into the corporate waters of diversity and inclusion.


During this episode


Diversity & Inclusion – How does it apply in and to the corporate world

Social justice in the workforce

How Siemens created a Diversity & Inclusion Officer within their organization.

Is Diversity & Inclusion Officer a valid corporate title?

Diversity Think Tank I4CP – first of its kind, looking at best practices, moving in new directions.

What happens to a company that doesn’t get involved with diversity and inclusion? How does it impact their competitiveness?

Siemens tagged their workforce as “The Network of Innovationâ€, and Joe asks the question “When they leave at the end of the day, will they come back?â€.

How to engage your overseas workforce.

What’s the difference between an international and a global company?

What do we do with the Millennials?

Microsoft, Satya Nadella and whether women should ask for a raise. Discussion on how these comments may have come about, and what are the important takeaways.

Don’t muzzle the comment, but analyze the thinking behind it (assumptions, experience), then address it without just a “politically correct†conversation.

What’s needed to move past the headlines and get into a real discussion about diversity and inclusion?