AQQOLADE » Podcast

AQQOLADE » Podcast

Episode 6 - Speak Publicly With Confidence with Ann Timmons

October 16, 2014
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Bob and Jon welcome Ann Timmons to the podcast. Ann is a self-described ‘Communications Artist’, and has helped numerous politicians and business professionals in the area of public speaking and communication. Her theater background gives her a unique perspective on being an effective communicator. Whether you’re listening in the car, out for a light run or sitting in your favorite chair get ready for some great content…

During this episode

What is a Communications Artist?

Working with politicians

How to avoid gotcha moments in public speaking

Being “authentic†yet prepared.

What are some common issues people deal when preparing to speak publicly.

Control what you can, and create backup plans when/if technology fails.

Don’t speak to your slides.

Practice your motions to match your visuals.

Preparation will help you stay on point, and help you control your Inner Diva.

Be focused, but stay in the moment.

How Ann works with clients.

Incorporate physical and vocal warm-ups prior to taking the stage.

Books on the topic of public speaking are great, but there’s nothing like working with a great coach.

Speeches and speakers worth checking out.

Magic wands and wonder pills to make everyone a great speaker. Ann reviews them all.