Leadership Aficionado

Leadership Aficionado

S2: E 042 Singles Awareness Day

February 15, 2019

Today is February 15th, the day after Valentine’s Day, and society has finally decided to give out 8th Place Trophies to adults by calling today “Singles Awareness Day”. Relationships fail for many different reasons and we should neither be punished nor persecuted when they do. But to celebrate or be rewarded for being alone is absurd. We all deserve to be in a healthy relationship. It is what makes us a civilized society. Being alone is not something that should be celebrated, rewarded or proud of; but it is an opportunity. It is a special time; a time for reflection and self-awareness. When you are alone, this is God’s way of telling you that you have work to do. This is a time for you to become a better version of yourself through introspection, self-awareness and personal growth. In time, you will be rewarded with the healthy relationship that God wants for you. Today should be called “I need to start focussing on ME day”.