Latter-day Saint MissionCast

Latter-day Saint MissionCast

Basic Doctrines Series Part 3 – The Atonement of Jesus Christ with Anthony Sweat

July 26, 2019

After knowing that there is a God, and knowing that there is a Plan for our Salvation, the next logical Doctrine to discuss is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the means by which the Plan of Salvation is accomplished. The Atonment is a central teaching to the theology of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ, and yet, one that may be least understood.

There is a difference between what is a doctrine and what is a policy or practice. The doctrine of The Atonement of Jesus Christ is has practices designed to help us to come to greater understanding of its role in the Plan of Salvation. These practices include the Sacrament, and the teachings and ordinances of the priesthood, including the Temple.

Here is the text from the official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on The Atonement of Jesus Christ:

Atonement of Jesus Christ

To atone is to suffer the penalty for sin, thereby removing the effects of sin from the repentant sinner and allowing him or her to be reconciled to God. Jesus Christ was the only one capable of making a perfect atonement for all mankind. His Atonement included His suffering for the sins of mankind in the Garden of Gethsemane, the shedding of His blood, His suffering and death on the cross, and His Resurrection from the tomb (see Luke 24:36–39; D&C 19:16–19). The Savior was able to carry out the Atonement because He kept Himself free from sin and had power over death. From His mortal mother, He inherited the ability to die. From His immortal Father, He inherited the power to take up His life again.

Through grace, made available by the Savior’s atoning sacrifice, all people will be resurrected and receive immortality. The Atonement of Jesus Christ also makes it possible for us to receive eternal life (see Moroni 7:41). To receive this gift, we must live the gospel of Jesus Christ, which includes having faith in Him, repenting of our sins, being baptized, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring faithfully to the end (see John 3:5).

As part of His Atonement, Jesus Christ not only suffered for our sins but also took upon Himself the pains, sicknesses, and infirmities of all people (see Alma 7:11–13). He understands our suffering because He has experienced it. His grace, or enabling power, strengthens us to bear burdens and accomplish tasks that we could not do on our own (see Matthew 11:28–30;