Lawyer Talk: Off the Record

Lawyer Talk: Off the Record

022 – DUI 360–#5a–Because You’re Mine, I Walk The Line

May 09, 2018

You can just say no to alcohol and drugs. You can also just say no to Field Sobriety Tests. In this information-packed DUI 360 episode, Steve, Jeff and Bill talk the FST Trilogy, including Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and the whole Nystagmus family, procedures for the Walk and Turn, why railroad tracks and the movie "Stand By Me" can be a crucial part of a DUI defense, the Bill Meeks cross examination, Charles Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi's words of wisdom, why your attorney might not want to ask open-ended questions at trial, esoteric nonsense, Jedi mind tricks, and the NHTSA manual.

"You can't in my opinion represent someone on a drunk driving unless you know this thing inside and out - because this is what the officers are relying on to charge your's like..the evidence rules. ..You're not going to know the rules unless you sit down and read them." - Jeff Linn, humble and seriously effective DUI attorney who has done his homework - and knows his stuff backward and forward, inside and out (and his clients love him for it).

BONUS: Cross-examination fun with Steve and Bill!



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