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Leveraging LinkedIn to Find Unlimited Prospects For Your Online Network Marketing Business - Gloria MacDonald

July 05, 2021

As a Coach and Guide, Gloria MacDonald helps you choose your Vision over your fears. She supports you in moving forward when the “old you” would rather quit and take the easy way out. Gloria a veteran entrepreneur. She built a very successful multi-seven figure business and was living the dream. But a few years ago, due to an unfortunate situation, she hit a major obstacle in her business. One that almost wiped her out completely! Overnight sales came to a screeching halt, and she was forced to shut down her business. She lost all her savings. Maxed out her credit cards and was drowning in HUNDREDS of Thousands of Dollars of debt. And was on the verge of having to file for bankruptcy. But, despite how challenging it was… like anyone who is faced with setbacks and adversity, but overcomes them… she knew she couldn’t let this be more than a bump in the road. Even though it was a BIG one. She’d built one successful business and had decades of experience in business and marketing. So, she decided to jump back in...Gloria has now built her second multiple 7-figure business from scratch in under four years mentoring entrepreneurs. She especially focuses on helping them build their businesses online.

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