Launch Solid / Startups

Launch Solid / Startups

LS 0051: Your Customers Are More Important Than Your Product

November 18, 2014

In the past few weeks I’ve been working on a new marketing strategy and execution plan for Gistia Labs.

I have been exploring everything from what we do as a company, all the way out to how we present ourselves, and questioning it all.

For example, every time someone asks me what we do, I say, “Gistia is a software consultancy,†and they nod and stare. Next thing I know we’re talking about the weather. Nice.

Just thinking of this, has made me question it all. How does the way I describe my business, affects us? My growth, of course, depends on sales - and sales depends on convincing clients to buy from us.

To convince them though, I need to be thinking about what they want. Right? So, what are our clients’ motivations? Why do they hire us? What do they want out of this?

Why am I describing what we do in relation to our self-image and not our customers?

I’m not talking about a sales or elevator pitch. It’s about truly aligning yourself to what your customer wants, not what you want.

It all starts with knowing your customer. Let’s dig in.