IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs

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Little Mouse in the Corner
February 09, 2018

Being a shy person is often seen as something that you will overcome as you get older. Many introverts feel that there is something wrong with them. Being an introvert is perfectly normal and defining it as something you lack doesn't seem fair. Pauline Du

Re:sound #250 Our 250th Show
February 09, 2018

This hour, we look back on some of our favorite moments from the past 14 years of Re:sound. With former producers Katia Dunn, Roman Mars, Delaney Hall and Katie Mingle, we listen to excerpts of memorable Re:sound moments and episodes: The Karaoke Tu

Madness of War
February 08, 2018

In a small cold courtyard in Herat in Afghanistan, two former enemies sit chained together. One is a former warlord, the other a Taliban fighter. Both men are dangerous. Both men are suffering from severe psychiatric conditions. The courtyard is where all

Her Story Made History: Monica McWilliams
February 07, 2018

Monica McWilliams was one of only two local women who were at the table during negotiations which led to the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. BBC Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet visits Belfast to hear her story.

Three Pillars of Trump: Healthcare Reform
February 06, 2018

Donald Trump campaigned on numerous issues, but when it came time for action in the early days of his administration, healthcare reform was his top legislative priority. “Repealing and replacing” the Democrats’ Obamacare system has prove

DocArchive(1998): God's Own Farmers
February 06, 2018

Cistercian bells have been ringing across Europe since 1098. This religious order created the continent's first farmlands. In 1998, they celebrated 900 yrs of prayer and farming. Arriving in Ireland in 1142, their architecture is seen in the picturesque r

637: Words You Can't Say
February 04, 2018

In this politically charged climate, it feels like you have to be super careful with your language, no matter who you are or what side you're on. Stories about people who say the “wrong” thing and suffer the consequences, including a very cons

Radio Doc: Opgejaagd #1. De Schoonmaakmoeder | Vensters | 04-02-2018
February 04, 2018

Opgejaagd #1. De Schoonmaakmoeder: Hoe goed is het Nederlandse systeem van kinderopvang en basisscholen? Dat vraagt devan oorsprong Zweedse Jennifer Pettersson zich af in de 8-deligeserie Opgejaagd. Radio Doc zendt de komende weken de eerste drie delen ui

Dödsmisshandeln av Riccardo Campogiani
February 04, 2018

Riccardo och hans bästa vän Filippo ska åka hem från en 15-årsfest i centrala Stockholm. Men ett bråk startar och slutar med att 16-åriga Riccardo ligger medvetslös på trottoaren. Närmre hundra glada

Del 1/2. Hempas kamp – Blodförgiftningen
February 04, 2018

40-årige Henrik Hempa Posse får feber. Det som familjen tror är en vanlig förkylning, visar sig vara en livshotande form av sepsis, blodförgiftning. Följ Hempas blodiga kamp för att överleva. Sepsis gör