KSL CrimeWatch

KSL CrimeWatch

Video Surveillance in Your Home

December 31, 2017

Many security devices are available at local retailers to help keep your home safe. Former SLC Sheriff Jim Winder shares how these little devices can have a big impact. *** Today individuals are using technology more often to secure their residence. And we support it entirely. Items like video doorbells—that allow you to identify individuals who are knocking at your door—can make you distinguish between a friend or relative, and a particular vendor that might cause some fear or concern. This is especially critical if you have youngsters at home. Their ability to identify who is at the door before they make a decision to open it—is critical. Also, external video surveillance has become very advantageous here in Salt Lake. Many crimes are solved today because of our ability to capture the video footage of individual residences. Not only crimes that have occurred at that location, but peripheral activity that has happened and been captured on those same videos. The installation of a video surveillance system is highly effective and quite economical these days. We would encourage people to not be paranoid, but to be diligent in securing their residences.