Knights of the Clown Table

Knights of the Clown Table

Ep 79: Deaf Orgasms, Animal Hoarding, Raging Spiderman, Racist Donald Duck and a New Pope

February 13, 2013
Thank you all for joining us again at the clown table. This week Sir Kayak, Sir Axman, Sir Teabaggins and Da Pizza Princess talk deaf orgasms, a nice night at the house of animal hoarding, raging Spider Man in times square, Donald Duck being racist and the pope. Could the next pope be black? Did the old pope go to Macau? hmmmm… What a fun time it was probably offending the majority of society this week…

Do you like that baby? Give me a sign…

Goose with a diaper…. check!

Where is my tip, bitch?

Looks like someone needs some pixie dust

Take this job and shove it!

Next pope? I go to work!!

Thanks again for tuning in and supporting the show, we ill see you all next week for episode 80!!
