Kdrama podcast - K-drama Addiction Therapy

Kdrama podcast - K-drama Addiction Therapy

Episode 31 – K-drama audio commentary – Greatest Love

June 21, 2016

The new episode is available further down this article. First; an announcement about the future of this podcast.
Regular listeners have noticed that we haven’t been keeping up with our usual schedule around here lately…
Several Wednesdays have gone by and there’s been no new episode.
What’s going on?!
The truth is that both Gab and I have been going through pretty significant life-changes recently. Nothing as dramatic as the makjang crazyness we see in dramas… No birth-secrets, chaebols or amnesia. But enough to force us to think about the amount of time we have, and what we spend it on.
The podcast is one of those things. The conclusion we came to while we were “off the air” was that the amount of time we spend on putting the podcast together has to change.

A new format to the podcast
The podcast, so far, has been a real pain in the bottom to edit. It takes a lot of time to make a pair of amateur podcasters (who are not native English speakers) sound half-way decent. So we brainstormed some ideas that would cut that editing time down to a manageable level…
And we found one!
What this means though… is that the podcast, as you know it, has come to an end.
It is no more. It has ceased to be. Kicked the bucket. It is an ex-podcast.
Sorry about that. (And the bad Monty Python pun.)

K-drama Audio Commentaries / K-drama Reaction Podcast
We are going to do “audio commentaries” instead. Or “reaction podcasting”, if you will.
Sound weird? Let me explain.
Imagine it as if you have invited a couple of friends over to watch a drama…
Me and Gab are your drama addicted friends who watch the show with you.
And, I have to tell you; we watch K-drama the way that some people watch football.
LOUDLY! And with a lot of commentary.
Fun, right? We think so. We’re so excited to share this with you!
Here’s how you listen & follow along:

* Prepare the K-drama episode we’re watching (in the same way you normally watch)
* Start the podcast
* Listen and press PLAY, to start the K-drama episode, when we tell you

It’s that easy!

In this week’s episode we are watching and commenting on:

Greatest Love
With Gong Hya Jin and Cha Seung Won.
It’s about a girl group member who is fading in popularity. She meets the hottest male movie star in Korea.
They become involved in a reality show and soon start to depend on each other, not only for support in each others’ careers.
Greatest Love is a laugh out loud funny drama by the famed Hong sister screen writing team. A perfect classic for us to try, as our first audio commentary, since there’s a ridiculous amount of crazy-fun things to comment on.

K-drama audio commentary podcast:

We are giddy with excitement and happy with this first and experimental episode. For that reason we hope that regardless if you have watched this drama before or are watching it for the first time – you’ll enjoy watching this with a couple of chatty friends. We comment on everything from crazy hairstyles and shower scenes – to quirky Korean culture and the fragility of hallyu stardom.

Shape the future of the podcast. Tell us what you want us to watch next!
We understand that this change in format might disappoint some of you. This is  no longer a podcast you can listen to during your commute. (Well… you could. But our babbling wouldn’t make much sense unless you’ve already seen the drama and have it fr...