The Keeping it Human Improvised Marketing Show

The Keeping it Human Improvised Marketing Show

Comedy and Marketing: A Chat with Author and FunnyBizz Founder, David Nihill

November 17, 2015

Comedy in Marketing: Easy Ways to Lighten Up!

As a marketing storyteller, improviser and stand-up comedian, I know how powerful comedy can be in marketing. Too often companies shy away from it because of fear of failure. Join me Tuesday, Nov 17 at 3PM PDT - a special time - for an always fun chat with author David Nihill about easy ways to add in comedy to your content marketing and speaking.

David is the founder of FunnyBizz, the author of this bestselling book, (Do You Talk Funny) an Inc columnist – and trains folks from companies like LinkedIn, Gumroad and Nasdaq how to add humor to public speaking. He is known to do stand up comedy and he finished runner up in the Moth's largest US story telling competition.