The Keeping it Human Improvised Marketing Show

The Keeping it Human Improvised Marketing Show

The Cowbell Principle: A Chat with Brian Carter

November 20, 2014

Welcome to Jargonorrhea Live – A viral marketing show with serious tips and a sense of fun.

I am Kathy Klotz-Guest, founder of Keeping it Human, coming to you live from San Jose, CA, in Silicon Valley. This show airs Thursdays at 3:30 PM PDT.  We help marketing executives and their teams tell their most important company, product and customer stories to the world.

This podcast is all about making marketing communications and content more human, fun and effective. We are a jargon-monoxide-poisoning free zone. Leave a comment on the blog.

The Cowbell Principle plus Bonus!

Everyone has a gift, or cowbell. Named after the hilarious SNL sketch with Will Ferrell, The Cowbell Principle is a book for leaders and entrepreurs who want to play up their differentiation. Join me November 20th for a chat with Brian Carter and Garrison Wynn, authors of The Cowbell Principle, at a special time: 2:30PM PDT. Plus: they are offering a special giveaway on this podcast: 20 free kindle copies of the book!


Brian Carter, internationally bestselling author of three books: The Like Economy, LinkedIn for Business and Facebook Marketing, is one of the best known names in digital marketing and social media and is respected as an international authority on how organizations can generate bigger business results.

Garrison is the author of the bestseller The REAL Truth About Success, has contributed weekly to The Washington Post, and has coauthored with Stephen Covey. He has presented to some of the world’s most effective leaders.