Karen BorgaKaren Borga

Karen BorgaKaren Borga

Positive Thoughts Create Positive Outcomes

July 24, 2014


Order Apophylite - http://bit.ly/1bFywFk
Order Seraphinite - http://bit.ly/1nybffj

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Situations happen every day that give you an opportunity to make a choice. You can choose to allow your emotions to run wild and your mind to think "what-if". You can also remain positive and believe the outcome is going to be fine.

This week, I needed to go for a third test to determine if I had breast cancer. I could have chosen to be gripped with fear. Instead, I prayed, remained grateful and did energy healing.

I believe this effected the results of the MRI. ~ Karen

Homework for this week: When you find you are in a situation where you can choose to be positive or step into fear, choose being positive. It will effect your outcome!