Podcast – JustAskMarc

Podcast – JustAskMarc

Glycemic Index – What’s the Big Deal? – JAM010

April 09, 2015

The Glycemic Index shows how quickly a single food will turn into blood glucose on a scale of 100. Pure glucose is given a value of 100.


Marc - I just read a post from that microwaving a sweet potato raises the glycemix index to that of a fruit rollup!  I don't want to be eating candy when I'm prepping for a show.  Should I be worried about the GI of foods?  FYI.. I'm not diabetic or anything.


Yeah, I saw the same post.  It linked to an abstract study.  I guess these days if you read an abstract (the conclusion) that only study then sets the record going forward.  It is just another example of taking 1 study out of context, making a killer graphic to share on social media and sharing it with your massive fanbase.  This is how myths get started.  Frankly, it's best never to take advice from someone who shares such clickbait and at the bottom, promotes their $X.XX a month membership site.
The Glycemic Index was created with the diabetic in mind.
You see, insulin spikes can be deadly to the diabetic. This fueled the need to develop a chart showing the insulin effects of certain foods. Clearly diabetics don't want large spikes in insulin when preparing meals.

Before 1981, scientists believed that avoiding table sugar was the goal as it raised the glucose levels quickly. Current studies show that some foods actually have a higher blood glucose level than table sugars!

While it's still a good idea to avoid empty sugar calories there's many other foods that can spike the blood glucose levels.

Clearly not all foods are the same and they don't have the same insulin effects on the body. Today it's still favored to have a diet high in carbs and fibers and to avoid sugars.

Now get this: A baked potato ranks higher on the Glycemic Index than table sugar at 64! While some pastas rank lower than a baked potato and even table sugars.

But that's not all...

You can see it's value to a diabetic but using the Glycemic Index as a primary tool for choosing food can create problems.


As you know, the Glycemix Index ranks how a single food breaks down in your body and is convered to blood glucose after eating. But if you follow the rules of performance nutrition, you should be eating a 'complete' meal:

* that consists of a lean protein
* a starchy carbohydrate
* and a fibrous carbohydrate

Not a single food by itself.

This changes the Glycemix Index of that meal!


When you consume proteins with carbohydrates, it can greatly lower the blood glucose effects of that food. A baked potato's score 85 on the Glycemic Index when combined with a protein is much lower.


There are flaws of the Glycemic Index like:

Limited data. Only about 5% of the foods are listed in the Glycemic Index. And there is a very limited number of researchers that currently do testing.

The numbers on the Glycemix Index are an average of the responses of groups of people. This explains the variation in some charts. The numbers listed are not exact values.

A wide variation of in the actual Glycemic Index measurements. For example, a baked Russet potatoes have been tested with a Glycemic Index as low as 56 and as high as 111!

Food preparation methods like microwaving, grinding, frying, baking, etc. There's even differences in the GI when boiling pasta for 10 minutes or 15 minutes.

Food combinations can affect the Glycemic Index of a listed food. While the Glycemic Index is based on single foods, we often consume foods in combinations. This can affect the overall Glycemic Index of that meal. Figuring out the precise Glycemic Index of foods after being mixed is less accurate.

Individual differences in a response to a food on the Glycemic Index. People simply have different blood glucose responses.