Just Me Being Me - No Apology

Just Me Being Me - No Apology

On losing myself in motherhood & the 12 words that snapped me out of my crippling anxiety

April 14, 2020

After all that oxytocin had worn off and the sleep deprivation had set in I started to find that confidence in myself as a mother crumble away. Today I talk about the first 6 months of River's life and how severe sleep deprivation and having my connection to my mama intuition slowly being chipped away at lead me to a harrowing journey with a sleep consultant which pushed me over the edge. This manifested for me in severe anxiety and I was existing day and night in that fight or flight mode with my monkey mind running the show. Until one day I had a lightbulb momement while listening to a podcast when the host said "You cannot think your way out of a prison made of thought". I also share how I disconnected I felt from my true self and how this lead to me to start my Statement T-shirt brand Eskimo Nell (now called Ms Marnie) to help women who felt lost reconnect with their true badass selves.

If you're interesting in listening to anything by Krishna Das who I mention in today's episode - below is the link to his podcast
