Just Be Cousins

Just Be Cousins

Latest Episodes

137 Hide-a-Dead
September 29, 2019

Terrible episode. Joe was great and so was special guest Danger Lee Daniels, but Jason tried too hard to talk about the issue of cancel culture in comedy. Fart jokes to the rescue at the half-way mark.

136: Between Two Funs
September 23, 2019

Joe is taking the show off and in his place not one but TWO extremely excellent human beings: Funtime Shagg and Laura “Expensive Wine” Pauleen. Mostly we talk about Liam Neeson.

135: Overfluffed
September 13, 2019

Didja know: tears don’t fall in outerspace? Or: you can scream until your lungs bleed? You can. Timbe the drummer is our guest on yet another donkey-show inspired episode.

134: The Taylor Swift Phenomena
September 07, 2019

Music episode, one of two, this one is mostly about Tool. Their new album, and how big our fanboy-ons are. Also, there’s jokes about your butt. They’re really damned funny.

133: You Sussin’ This?
August 30, 2019

The boys are busy. Busy as all heck. What with the stupid kids’s cartoons, the potatoes, the wackos on Facebook, and, get this: NEW LISTENERS? MAYBE? Anyway. Managed to squeeze another episode. Chicken.

132: Mexico Show
August 23, 2019

An episode about Mexico. Did you know that Mexico is the world’s largest beer exporter? Do you know how big my fridge is? This show, by the way is, is sort of mess.

131: Animal Style
August 21, 2019

Another show about animals (remember, kids: don’t f**k ’em). With special guests Gus the Velvet Puma and Jen the Puma Trainer. Hamster balls (the plastic ones you run in) and the Puma’s love of cocks (cock is a name for rooster) and pit

130: Bacotel Grande
August 17, 2019

It’s JBC in the AM! We woke up at the butt crack of dawn to record a random-notes show. Mostly about Jason’s pervo-obsessions, but also about tootsie rolls and guitars. Speaking of: Joe plays his guitar on this one!

129: Safe Word
August 12, 2019

Another movie episode, although we tried hard as hell to talk about other things as well. What do YOU think is the funniest movie of all time? No, you’re wrong, it’s Amadeus. Balls.

128: Fillums, Feelum.
August 05, 2019

An episode about movies. With an Obscenitized Song ™ and some JBC News. I’m really struggling here to remember what we talked about. Amy Adams, the purity of horror, and, uh, branding. Or something.
