Just Be Cousins

Just Be Cousins

Latest Episodes

147: Abandon No Cats
December 06, 2019

Winging it with Shags in this episode. Talking about stray cats (not the band) and Captains Save a Ho and Rednecks in Thailand. Lizzo. Radio Head. Disney Plus. Racist Disney movies. Grabbin crotches at Disneyland. Same old same old.

146: Caterpillars on a Werewolf
December 01, 2019

Thanksgiving episode. We’re thankful for YOU, listener. And mystery dinner theater, green bean casserole, beer, and a certain Sr. Anitez. Get on the down train, we’re going to the land of the Potato Eaters.

145: Moving Toward Codgerism
November 26, 2019

Episode 145 is about a man who is 46 and 2, which is 48. Topics are the usual. Joe did Jason a solid by getting the important people to wish him a happy one. There’s poetry. There’s outtakes. There’s montage. It’s everything I cou

144: Taste the Kielbasa Water
November 15, 2019

We’ve done a gross of episodes! So gross. Today’s epi is about farts and if you close the door when you pee. Shags, who is terrified of Facetime, is on the show. She doesn’t fart though.

143: Not An Experience
November 09, 2019

Random show. Topics include transgender athletes, milky bananas, auto chess, Fitbits that track your whinin’, and Celine Dion. Not one single word about Ariana Grande though. Pity.

142: Smelloween
October 31, 2019

Annual Halloween episode. Horror movies, haunted houses, a montage, horrorscopes, music, etc. Lots of etc. As Dolly Parton once said: “That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.” Enjoy

141: Denver Airport
October 19, 2019

It’s Fun Time Shaggs’ two-year anniversary of being on JBC! So let’s talk conspiracy theories! Why did Skull & Bones direct George Soros to change Coke? JBC: putting the “ill” in “illuminati.”

140: Phoenistein Part Two
October 14, 2019

Here’s the “better half” of last week’s two-hour podpalooza where Joe and I talk about, uh… episode 150, more or less. I can’t remember. Joe edited this all and it sounds amaZeballZ with TWO capital Zs!

139: Phrankonix Part One
October 08, 2019

So we got off to a rough start on this one but like a phoenix rising from the asses when recovered and recorded for an extra hour. Then Joe frankensteined it all into two magical episodes. Here is part one.

138 Markie Wood Chopple
September 29, 2019

We trashed this episode. It was so out of control Joe had to edit it. Show went from a 9 to 10 thanks to those edits. Had a guest listener and even though we tried too hard to impress him we still did magic. Magical magic!
