Podcast Episodes – Juicing Radio

Podcast Episodes – Juicing Radio

170 – Part 3 Charles Bruno on life after a 300 day juice only fast

February 11, 2016

170 - Part 3 Charles Bruno on life after a 300 day juice only fast

What do Tom Hanks, Victoria’s Secret, and the phrase ‘Gobble gobble” have to do with a life transformation? Listen in to find out!



Today’s edition of Juicing Radio is full-on ‘mental juice.’ In an in-depth conversation with Angie, Charles Bruno dives deep into his own psyche: What was causing him to be so overweight? What were the triggers that made him overeat? How did he keep his focus during his 10-month juice fast?


Charlie lays himself bare, revealing a vulnerability that many of us will surely relate to, and hopefully, find inspiration in. He discusses the strategies he uses to combat cravings, and tells us that his 300-day reboot was, “the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” Learn about the revelations Charlie had regarding diet, nutrition, and exercise, and how he experienced a complete 180-degree shift in his mentality.


Charlie also tells us how he’s continued to lose weight, 60 days on from ending his reboot, using Angie and Kristen DeAngelis’s “What Juicers Eat” transitional meal plan.


“You have to have a conversation with yourself.” Charlie answers listener questions, discussion juicing obsession, resentment, and developing new habits.


“I’d love to see people get their lives back.” Charlie talks about how his passion for juice has inspired him to help others.


For Further Resources: associated with today’s show, see Charlie’s previous interviews: here, here and here.


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What Juicers Eat: Angie and Kristen’s transitional meal plan for juicers


Today’s episode of Juicing Radio is sponsored by Champion Juicer -where every juicer is hand assembled and tested 3 times to ensure it lives up to the highest quality standards. It is what Shane uses at home, every day.

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