The Joy The Baker Podcast

The Joy The Baker Podcast

I Didn’t Sign Up For This Friction

July 25, 2013

Oooh heck yes.  We made you another podcast!

This week we’re talking about new fascinations : the royal baby, The Skimm, and Suze Orman.  We’re also discussing moms on Facebook, strange stalkers on Facebook, and what to do when boys play the long game… with pie.

I think Tracy also mentions drapes and curtains.  Totally normal.


A baby king was born this week.  No big deal… TOTAL big deal!

This is someone’s life…. insane.  Unbelievable.


Tracy and I have been getting some of our news from The Skimm.  It’s distilled, topical, important news that’s presented in a totally approachable email.  I also learned that Danielle and Carly take shifts sleeping to keep track of the news overnight.  They’re hard-working business ladies.  Mad props.

Other things we’re into:  finance!  Suze Orman is terrifying and informative.  I’m hooked on her podcast.  She’s helping me get my dollar bills in order.

SIX SECOND PODCASTS!!!  It’s the Gingercast and it’s hilarious!


We want our friend Billy from Wit and Vinegar to call us and sing Mariah Carey.

Actually…. we want everyone to call us and sing Mariah Carey.  Please!!!

(817) 82-fries.

Thank you for sharing another podcast with us.  Thank you for letting us talk about drapes and carpets and facebook all up in your ears.  We love you.