GreenPath Real Stories

GreenPath Real Stories

Real Stories Ep 45: LeAnn Leans In

November 15, 2023

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LeAnn takes pride in helping others. But when it came to asking for help, that didn’t come as naturally. She found herself in a frustrating cycle with her credit card debt: able to maintain minimum payments, but unable to make progress towards payoff.

Beyond the financial implications, her mental and physical health were impacted. After making the important decision to connect with a therapist, she eventually found a solution that put her finances back on track. Now, she shares her struggles and accomplishments–reminding us that sometimes the only thing standing in the way of progress is ourselves.

Key Moments

2:28 LeAnn reflects on what she learned about money growing up, including the importance of saving.

3:39 She shares the circumstances that led her debt to grow.

6:09 She explains how debt-related stress affected her sleep, stress levels, relationships and career.

8:13 LeAnn admits that she finds giving help easier than receiving it.

11:06 With support from her therapist and credit union, she connects with GreenPath and ultimately wishes she had taken this step sooner.

17:23 She describes the shame-free, judgment-free advice she received during her initial meeting with her GreenPath counselor.

21:44 LeAnn recounts the emotional support her friends and family provided.

26:26 She talks about her approach of being more transparent when it comes to money.

28:45 She discusses her budgeting approach after going through a debt repayment plan.

32:27 LeAnn shares some upcoming goals including a celebratory birthday trip and homeownership.

35:47 She discusses what inspired her to share her story.

38:53 She offers advice to others who are also experiencing debt-related stress.

41:17 Our co-hosts reflect on lessons learned from LeAnn’s journey.

Chris Dlugozima

ABOUT THE HOSTChris Dlugozima

Chris is a Learning Experience Designer at GreenPath Financial Wellness, where he’s been since the beginning of the millennium. Using creativity and a sense of humor, he provides people with the tools and knowledge to navigate their lives when it comes to their money.

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