GreenPath Real Stories

GreenPath Real Stories

Real Stories Ep 41: Leaning into Change: Lavell and Nina on Loans, Marriage, and Finding a Foothold

July 15, 2023

In continuing our theme from last month, today’s episode features stories of financial resiliency from two former guests. These are stories of job changes, family growth, and finding safety in savings.

Lavell first talked to us in Episode 22Episode 22. He acquired debt by “swiping like a ninja,” and eventually made the pivotal decision to work with GreenPath in paying down what he owed. The result? Financial stability that enabled Lavell and his new wife to find their collective footing again.

Our second guest, Nina, spoke with us in Episode 20Episode 20. Her story chronicled her journey of navigating mental health hurdles and shifting her narrative for the better. Much has transpired in her life since we first spoke, including an exciting career change, marriage, and progress towards her financial goals.

Key Moments

4:07 Lavell reveals that he is now completely debt-free, even from the burden of student loans.

6:05 He talks about setting aside money for a larger house and college funds for his kids.

7:30 He explains how they have used their emergency fund on several occasions.

9:52 Lavell shares how he now helps others deepen their financial knowledge.

15:35 Nina gives an update on her career path, which now includes supporting mental health initiatives.

20:29 She shares her progress around financial goals and discusses a major life change.

21:56 She and her husband worked with a financial advisor to budget for larger expenses this year.

28:37: Nina explains her approach in combining finances with her husband.

32:17 She reveals a medical scare that had financial impact and talks about how savings cushioned the situation.

39:59 Nina reflects on her evolved mindset when it comes to utilizing and replenishing her savings.

Chris Dlugozima

ABOUT THE HOSTChris Dlugozima

Chris is a Learning Experience Designer at GreenPath Financial Wellness, where he’s been since the beginning of the millennium. Using creativity and a sense of humor, he provides people with the tools and knowledge to navigate their lives when it comes to their money.

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