Job Seekers Radio

Job Seekers Radio

063 The Number One Secret to Job Satisfaction

November 06, 2019

Show Notes
Understanding your satisfaction is within your control can be liberating. Scott and Andrew discuss the Top Secret, that #1 thing you can do, to ensure your job satisfaction.Don't miss these Topics:* Being an advocate for your own satisfaction.* The difference between fitting in and being in.* How language and identity can work together.* Consistency in your brand presentation.* The value of a cover letter.* Defending your own needs without being defensive.* Identifying Key Factors of Satisfaction.* Where to find support for your satisfaction.* How to communicate your areas of satisfaction. Resources (including affiliate links)Branding Episodes on Job Seekers Radio iTunes: Rate and ReviewRaw and Unedited TranscriptView Transcript00:00:06 - 00:05:13welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you meaningful support defined great careers faster whether you're working or not today's episode. We're talking about the secret to advocating for your own own satisfaction and this episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's an e book that Scott I have put together. That walks you through through step by step along with companion audio which is wonderful by the way we've been so and that's a free resource for you to download at job seekers radio DOT COM Tom. It's a free gift for you. We want to talk about advocating for satisfaction because so often we send out lots of applications. We we have some interviews and we're always trying to fit into what the company wants or what. The interviewer wants its natural right or want to to put our best foot forward. We WanNA make sure we're we're demonstrating to them or being considerate. There is a difference between changing how I appear and using their language. And so that's what we want to talk about today is how does how do we avoid changing who we are appearing to change who we are just to to succeed in an interview requires a lot of preparation. Sure does okay but if we look at how you're preparing now that requires a lot of preparation preparation of course because as they say it always takes a lot more energy to remember a lie because you have to wait the lie. It's much easier to remember truth because truth is the truth. Well it's on its own and you think about it if you're sending out a lot of applications in your tailoring every single bit of the language language to that are you going to remember when they actually get back to you two weeks later which set up oh my goodness which which version of this language am. I supposed to us now. We want to help you avoid that problem and instead to really advocate for your own satisfaction on the job satisfaction within the interview. You know what you want you know what you like. Hopefully and if not that's where your preparation is going to start. You know the kind of environment you want to be working in what your values are and again if not not find that out you should be looking for someone who meets your needs not just the other way around and you should know what feels like you and what doesn't so if you're using the right keywords to get through an automated system by all means go for it. Don't change who you are. Don't change your language to the extent that you're changing changing everything about your presentation just to meet somebody else's expectations authentic. Who Do you become when each time? You change that message to align with the job It's almost like you're a chameleon I've seen this have very negative repercussions sure. Psychologically we have identity confusion will not not only that but then you start to question when you see someone who is we say. They interviewed well.