Job Seekers Radio

Job Seekers Radio

059 The Best Questions To Ask At An Interview

October 09, 2019

Show Notes
You are preparing for an interview and expecting the questions you will be asked.  What about the questions you GET to ask? 

Andrew and Scott talk through some ideas about crafting good questions to ask hiring teams during your interviews to demonstrate your interest. 
Don't miss these Questions and some Answers:

* What are the best questions to ask?
* How do you know they are telling the truth?
* What do you REALLY want from the job/organization?
* How would you rate your company on saying what they are going to do and then doing it? 
* What does work life balance look like to me?
* Is the question I'm asking about me? Hopefully not!
* How do you allocate weekend work?
* Is weekend work required here?
* What accommodations do you have for flexible scheduling as relates to equity/inclusion?
* Tell me about a time when somebody needed accommodation around their work schedule, how did you handle that?
* Talk to me about what diversity and inclusion looks like?
* Tell me about a time when you had a challenge around the value of speaking with candor, how did you work through that?
* How do respond to this negative feedback from
* What are your corporate values that are used on a daily basis in your teams?
* How can I use networking to get answers to some of my questions?
* Why is this position open? Why did that person leave? What are you expecting the person you hire to do differently?
* What does the ideal candidate look like?
* How do people get promoted and developed inside the company?
* Tell me more about your career path in the company?
* Do your leaders go through 360 reviews and how is feedback implemented or not within the organization?
* How much time each week do you make available for employee development and training?
* How do you decide what investments to make in employee development? 

Resources (including affiliate links)
ATD BEST Award Winners (press release) 
iTunes: Rate and Review
Raw and Unedited Transcript
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059 The Best Questions To Ask At An Interview

00:00:10 - 00:10:28

Production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to find great careers faster that's whether you're working or not today on job seekers welcome to job seekers radio I'm Scott I'm Andrew is to provide so that you can start asking informed questions about how do they fit that bill for you because if the company can prepare for these it's important to know what kind of information they're looking for generally speaking that is unknown idea and we recommend that you do I first of all know what you want what are the things that you value as an employee if you're interviewing or their supervisors have a list of things that are valuable to you that is dependent upon the the workplace about your experience what you bring to the table this point often their behavioral questions tell me about a time when and those are good asking those questions is GonNa differentiate you in in that hiring process as well as how you ask those questions precisely that's what we're going to focus on today they are going to ask you this conversation is about the questions that you should be preparing for them take some time do your homework because Wanna ask questions that get to the real the real life workday working in that company and so there are some things that that because often ...