Job Seekers Radio

Job Seekers Radio

058 How much is too much when applying at the same company FAQ Q&A AMA

September 18, 2019

Show Notes
Scott and Andrew take time to answer your questions. Select the Contact button in the menu on the JSR website to ASK your question - and we will answer it on a future episode. Don't miss these Topics:* Is it bad to apply to multiple roles within the same company? Applying for the same company?* How to get my foot in the door at a hospital?* Lately I have been sending my CV and obtaining no feedback at all. What would you do?* How important is a cover letter?Resources (including affiliate links)What Color is Your ParachuteGetting Interviews Meeting 40-50% of the Qualifications iTunes: Rate and ReviewRaw and Unedited TranscriptView Transcript00:05 - 05:32welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Scott. I'm Andrew this. This is a production that is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to find great careers faster whether you're working or not today. We're we're going to be answering some questions. This is one of our QNA podcasts where we are asked questions and we sprint respond to them and really we. We want you to hear your own voice in this one. We want to make sure that we are answering questions that are relevant valid and that you are asking us so at the end of this. We're going to ask you to get in touch with US and ask us more questions but here's some questions that we've come across in the last several weeks and we we really feel compelled to answer them and we encourage you reach out to us on the web site or send an email whatever that looks like leave a comment if you have our phone number gives call give us a call. We're in the book well. Did they move to. I'm surprised I even published a medical except for the advertising anyway we have some questions that we want to answer and we want to invite you to more so here. We go the first question and for this. QNA is is it bad to apply to multiple roles within the same company. The quick answer is no. It's not bad. The question goes on though Oh to say a to ask about applying for the same company. this person specifically has a degree in pharmacy and about to achieve has licensure but doesn't know if it's really appropriate to continue to go back to the same company with applications. I personally you say I think it's a great idea to go back over and over again to accompany. You're really interested in working with there is one. I Dunno caveat. What is the right word but there's one caveat and that is you've got to know why you want to work there. If it's just because you here they pay well. That is not going to be a compelling reason for the person interviewing you. I just needed jobs in our yeah and they want somebody who really believes in the company he walking in the door so if you have done all your homework you've you've researched what this company not only says they're about but actually what a day in the life. Ed looks like and you can speak their language. That's going to get you further so the idea is make sure that you have your ducks lined up. You've done your networking thing you know your your stuff about that company and then tell them why you want to work for them. If you can lead with that you're probably going to get a little further down the road. The beginning of this says hey is it bad to apply multiple roles within the same company. Yeah that leads me to believe that that's that's the only activity that they're judging their success or failure on and I would not leave it there. I would say do the networking get inside the company us all the avenues available to you. If that's absolutely the only place you'd like to work sure we were talking about rich prior ...