Job Optional Podcast

Job Optional Podcast

001: Can I get a hook up?

September 13, 2014

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Ain’t nothing worse than jokers looking for a hook up. That’s right I said it!
I work too hard for my paper, and you think I should get less.
Yeah…. that would be a no. Run me my money.
Don’t keep letting folks cut into your pockets. I know it may seem mean to say no, but look at it this way.
These same folks will go somewhere else and pay full price, with no problem.
I’m just saying, get your money and let the leeches fall off.
I learned long ago all money ain’t good.
Your service is good enough to be sold, then it’s good enough to be regular price period.
Listen, this is Business and we are going to run it as such.
Hustle Up Ladies and let’s get it!
Holla at your girl.