Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

Summer of Peace 2015

June 11, 2015

"Partnerships for Peace – Dignity for All" -- This year's theme for the UN International Day of Peace highlights the importance of silencing the guns of war and advancing the cause of peace. In the lead up to the International Day of Peace, and the Shift Network's Summer of Peace free online event, we present our radio interview with peacebuilders Dot Maver and Matt Albracht. Our show focuses on how to speak the language of peace and spread the word about this important and exciting initiative. Learn how "applied peace building" is a new and powerful science, and how we can use specific methods to bring about peace. We also want to acknowledge Avon Mattison and Joanie Misrack Ciardelli -- co-founders of Pathways to Peace -- for their many contributions toward the goal of worldwide peace. You'll hear about

* what it could mean to our country to have a Department of Peace
* how to get involved in the Summer of Peace Initiative
* why thinking of peace in technicolor makes it more powerful & active
* what the politics of peace encompass & how to navigate them
* why it's critical to transform angry activism into compassionate activism
Featured Guests
Dorothy Maver is President of the National Peace Academy USA, where she and her team promote the principles and processes of peace. They work with the spirit of cooperation creating a culture of peace, community organizing, and designing experiences for community members to plan and implement their ideas for change. Dot has also served as Executive Director of The Peace Alliance, building a grass-roots lobbying effort in fifty states for the US Department of Peace Campaign. www.nationalpeaceacademy.us

Matthew Albracht - a long-time ecological, social justice activist - is currently Executive Director of The Peace Alliance. Matt is involved in the Summer of Peace initiative that harnesses the efforts of dozens of groups and cutting-edge programs to drastically reduce violence, and to create new models for collaboration that can be replicated in cities across the US and in other countries worldwide. www.thepeacealliance.org