Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

Happiness Is a Choice - Choosing Happiness

May 28, 2015

The recently published 'World Happiness Report 2015' reminds us that happiness is increasingly considered a proper measure of social progress and a chosen goal of public policy. What about in your own life? Will you choose happiness as a goal for yourself? Our guests, Dr. Brenda Wade and Dr. John Demartini, talk about how happiness can be a day-to-day choice. Our conversation brings forgiveness, gratitude, and love into the concept of experiencing a happier life. Re-focusing your daily intention about your attitude and behavior can be full of rewards. You'll hear:

* why inspiration and coaching from others can add to your happiness
* how giving up blame and resentment can soften and open your heart
* about three ways you can move toward forgiveness
* what it means to live gratitude and the "golden bottom line"
* that happiness and health are true partners for a more joyful life
Featured Guest
Dr. John Demartini is an international speaker, philosopher, consultant. Dr. Demartini is considered one of the world's leading authorities on human behavior and personal development. He has authored over forty books and is the founder of the Demartini Institute, which includes the Studies of Wisdom research and the Concourse of Wisdom. John is the originator of The Breakthrough Experience and The Demartini Method. www.drdemartini.com
Co-host Dr. Brenda Wade regularly appears on CNN and NBC's Today Show as a psychology expert and is featured on Oprah and Good Morning America. She hosts Black Renaissance on the CW network, and is the author of four books: Power Choices, Love Lessons, What Mama Couldn't Tell Us About Love, and 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Falling In Love. Dr. Wade also facilitates retreats and seminars around the world. drbrendawade.com