Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

Valentine Love

February 08, 2015

More than poems, cards, candy, or flowers, Valentine's Day comes around each year to remind us of both romance and enduring love. Yet we know that relationships involve so much more than the heady passion of the "falling in love" phase: authenticity, loyalty, deep friendship, respect, and so very much more.

It's been said, "Where there's love, there's life." We explore the wonders of love and offer some helpful ideas to promote intimacy and handle rough patches. You'll hear:

* what dynamics are involved when two people fall in love

* stories that describe why love changes over time

* the importance of honoring the various stages of loving

* why commitment is both sexy and freeing

* how to create the vital mature phase of a relationship

Featured Guests

Brenda Wade, PhD regularly appears on CNN and NBC's Today Show as a psychology expert and is featured on Oprah and Good Morning America. She hosts Black Renaissance on the CW network, and is the author of four books: Power Choices, Love Lessons, What Mama Couldn't Tell Us About Love, and 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Falling In Love. Dr. Wade also facilitates retreats and seminars around the world. drbrendawade.com

Ed McClune, MFT works as a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in couples counseling. He also works as a supervising process teacher for the esteemed Hoffman Institute, where he facilitates transformational workshops throughout the US and Europe. McClune is formerly a San Francisco broadcast host for KBLX, and now focuses primarily on helping couples to restore the faith in their lives and their relationships. www.hoffmaninstitute.org