Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

The Holiday Season: Fill It with Gratefulness and Gratitude

November 09, 2014

A recent CBS 60 Minutes poll showed that more than 8 out of 10 Americans feel Thanksgiving is an important time to spend with family, with many saying it is their favorite day of the year. Make the warmth of this 2014 holiday season last all year with daily gestures of Gratefulness, Gratitude, and Thanks Giving. It's the season to increase your heartful awareness and generosity – It’s both practical and possible to encourage a positive outlook. If you decide to feel, act, and communicate more gratefully - the effect may surprise you! And loving words can work miracles. You'll hear about:

* the important work of A Network for Grateful Living (ANG*L)

* recognizing the gifts of everyday life

* how to cultivate daily gratefulness, acts of kindness, and sustainable activism

* music and poetry's positive influence on growing your "attitude of gratitude"

* some of the best online resources with practices and tools for grateful living

* the many offerings on www.gratefulness.org - (61/2 million visitors last year!)

Featured Guests

Dale Biron is a speaker, poet and integrative coaching specialist to leaders and organizational teams. He is interested in the practical, no nonsense use of poetry in our everyday personal and business lives. Dale is co-founder of Core Action Associates, Inc., an organizational coaching company based in Marin. He serves as a board member and Poetry Editor At Large for ANG*L. www.core-action.com www.dalebiron.com

Linda Larsson is on the board of ANG*L and is a member of the Board Development Committee. She has been an English Instructor at a community college; an Analyst and Designer for administrative and engineering configuration management systems; and a Sales Administrator and Analyst for a technology company. Linda has also developed and managed residential property. lmlarsson@yahoo.com