Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

Dr. Joan Kenley's Conversations on Wellness, Love, Relationships, Politics, Health and Green Living,

Political Straight Talk

September 29, 2014

It's been said, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme." Despite war's lack of success in achieving its stated goals, we are once again hearing its drumbeat. War is back, and with it the rhetoric used to covince us it's right. But should we believe everything we hear about the virtues of war? Journalist, author, and media critic, Norman Solomon and eminent broadcaster, Peter B. Collins join us to expose the rhetoric and tell us how to think more critically about what we see, hear, and read. You'll hear:

* about presidents & leaders that used rhetoric to make war seem necessary
* how "intentional selectivity" affects media messages, and also dilutes the truth
* what hidden, astronomical costs have resulted from our most recent and current wars
* about reliable sources for accurate reporting, such as truthout.org
* Congresswoman Barbara Lee's speech to Congress against the Iraq war

Featured Guests

Norman Solomon has authored a dozen books - including, "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits keep Spinning Us to Death" and "Made Love, Got War: Close Encounters With America's Warfare State." A nationally syndicated columnist on media and politics since 1992 - he's been featured in the NY Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and LA Times, and is frequently published on truthout.org. A recipient of the esteemed George Orwell award, Solomon founded the Institute for Public Accuracy in 1998 and serves as executive director. www.normansolomon.com

Peter B. Collins is a well-known broadcaster, entrepreneur, and media consultant based in San Francisco. He is one of the owners of KRXA/540, the progressive talk station serving Monterey, Salinas and Santa Cruz. From 2005 to March 2009, he hosted the Peter B. Collins Show - a daily, syndicated radio commentary and call-in program. In his late teens, during the Watergate years, he was a nightly on-air personality and talk show host at Chicago's ABC FM affiliate, and at that intense time in history - his ground-breaking broadcast was rated number one. www.peterbcollins.com