

TFP #008 – 저랑 카넬로랑 고기 집에서

March 30, 2018

카넬로가 고기를 잘 못 먹었을까요? 클렌부테롤 뭣인가요?

Detection of Clenbuterol at Trace Levels in Doping Analysis Using Different Gas Chromatographic–Mass Spectrometric Techniques
Clenbuterol: Effects and Usage in Livestock and Show Animals
* Pharmacokinetics of Plasma and Urine Clenbuterol in man, rat, and rabbit
* 이기흥 회장 "박태환, 리우올림픽 출전 의지 있다
* Introduction to Clenbuterol Positives in Doping Tests
* Clenbuterol – regional food contamination a possible source for inadvertent doping in sports

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