The Jig Is Up

The Jig Is Up

Episode 167: Fan-Sexual feat. DeeDee Sweets

July 23, 2019

We came, we saw, and Comic-Con’d! In this episode, we had DeeDee Sweets  (The Right Manchild Podcast & Casually Sarcastic) came by to bless us with their presence before they make their move to Chicago.  DeeDee enlightened us about pansexuality, choosing to be non-binary, and share how they maneuver in a society that is not as progressive as they are.  Along with that, we talk about Vladimir “Valar Morghulis” Putin being a real many-faced god, marriages should have contracts like professional sports, and a whole lot of tangents related (or not) to Comic-Con.  It’s another must listen. Enjoy!
DeeDee’s Social Handles: Twitter | Instagram