The JetRails Podcast

The JetRails Podcast

Optimizing Your Growing Tech Stack

May 21, 2021

The longer your business is operating and growing, the more software you've inevitably deployed. Over time, your organization can easily wind up with a variety of software subscriptions and solutions that aren't in alignment with your needs or goals. Some aren't well used or are redundant and should be eliminated. Others stop being a good fit as your business evolves.

Whether you're an eCommerce manager, IT director, CMO, COO, or someone else that's responsible for signing off on a lot of software, choosing and tracking those systems rarely gets easier. That's why we're excited to release this episode about tech stack optimization. We discussed how both end-users like merchants, and aggregate users like digital agencies, can better manage their tech stacks.

Guest: Sheryl Shultz,
Host: Robert Rand,