The JetRails Podcast

The JetRails Podcast

How Privacy is Getting Both Harder and Easier for eCommerce Merchants to Manage

March 24, 2021

As consumers, we are the product. The data that we generate has value. Individuals, however, are increasingly getting a say in what happens to their data.

Much like sales tax collection, this puts a burden on eCommerce store owners, who need to comply with an increasing number of laws from different jurisdictions. This includes GDPR from the EU, CCPA from California, LGPD down in Brazil, and now VCDPA in Virginia.

States, countries, and regions are demanding that their citizens have the right to be forgotten (the right to the erasure of their data), along with a range of other rights, from the ability to access and rectify information to the ability to copy or move their data (ie. data portability).

What does this mean for eCommerce merchants in terms of compliance? Does using 3rd party vendors and apps reduce risks and obligations? What do the risks and fines look like if you have a data breach or otherwise run afoul of these laws? How does this impact your day-to-day operation, and are you at risk of not meeting customer expectations? We tackle these questions and more in this discussion about what merchants need to know about privacy in 2021!

Guest: Mate Prgin,
Host: Robert Rand,