The JetRails Podcast

The JetRails Podcast

Which parts of your eCommerce email campaigns can you outsource and which can't you?

March 08, 2021

Email marketing is important to most successful eCommerce organizations, but lots of organizations are bottlenecked and don't leverage all of the bells and whistles that their email platforms support. So, we thought it would be helpful to talk about what you can get help with, and what you should avoid trying to outsource.

Let's assume that your newsletter and sale emails are going out and getting a good response. Here are some questions you can still be asking yourself:

- Are your transactional emails wowing shoppers and driving them to make more purchases?
- Are you reactivating email subscribers that have stopped opening your messages?
- Have you set up triggered emails to remind shoppers to come back and reorder goods that are typically consumed or used up in a certain time frame?
- Do you automatically send abandoned browse emails?
- When's the last time that you checked if your list was clean and your domain had a good sending reputation?

If any of this strikes a chord, be sure to tune in to learn more about what you can do (or outsource) to kick your eCommerce email marketing into high gear!

Guest: Mike Arsenault,
Host: Robert Rand,

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