Jerk in Progress

Jerk in Progress

Latest Episodes

Day 980: Brain Concerns
September 08, 2019

Oh, man! What if my brain is not big enough? I’m… not like super worried, but still mildly worried, about the ol’ grey matter and my ability, in my mid-40s, to absorb new information quickly and en masse. Certainly remote from anything resembling freak...

Day 979: Man, I Love Sleep
September 07, 2019

Seriously! I really, really, enjoy sleep. Not, like, in a depressed way, just in a “genuine enthusiasm” kind of way. Sleep’s great! I’m writing this because, no surprise, I just woke up — Saturdays are wonderful,

Day 978: Up late, good row
September 06, 2019

Running a bit late today; some insomnia, but roused myself to feed the cats, back to bed, and up again for a solid row (music really helps! I don’t care if it’s a crutch!) and knocking this out before dashing to work.

Day 977: Leaning into Dry and Mighty
September 05, 2019

I’m legitimately enjoying the upcoming Dry and Mighty, and am settling into a bit of a schedule for it — I was ambitiously thinking a short article a day fueled by an inbox of Google Alerts, but that’s nuts.

Day 976: Ramping up to a strong finish
September 04, 2019

With less than 25 days to go on this, I feel like I’m on track (again). This does nothing to address the underlying issue that I’ve discovered, and failed to resolve, for 1000 days (almost). Cyclicality. I know that’s not a word.

Day 975: Yes, On Track
September 03, 2019

Yesterday and today seem to have me back on track; I’m just back from a 7k run, tracking food, did the checklist yesterday, the whole nine yards. It feels good! I need to get my school schedule dropped into my work schedule,

Day 974: Okay, September!
September 02, 2019

Like yesterday but this time I’m serious. I mean… that’s it, really, I’m up on time, about to get some decent exercise, and enjoy a day off (with about an hour of work-work in the morning). Time to get serious! School, exercise, the whole nine yards.

Day 973: September!
September 01, 2019

Oh, snap! I have Tiniest Gallery to do today… It’s September! School starts this week, and a good time for general rebooting of the good habits I’ve piloted over the last almost-1000 days. So back on food tracking,

Day 972: Radio Friends
August 31, 2019

Quick Jerkpod today, then off to do radio with a guest from out of town. Doing the show with friends is always fun and something I’ll miss about it. Doing things with friends is fun, actually, and something my wife and I both admit we’re not the best a...

Day 971: Things are good!
August 30, 2019

A few nights of solid sleep; whatever was instigating nightmares seems to have passed. Looking forward to school next week, and I’ve settled into an understanding of how Dry and Mighty is going to work, which is a good balance of modestly ambitious and...