Jennifer M. Shaffer | Spiritual Intuitive | Psychic Medium Investigator Expert

Jennifer M. Shaffer | Spiritual Intuitive | Psychic Medium Investigator Expert

Jennifer Interviews Natural Health Specialist Nykki Hardin with Surprise Guest Lisa Williams, Michelle Eddins and Kathy Biehl

April 15, 2015

Jennifer Interviews Nykki Hardin A Natural Health Specialist and the founder of Nykki’s Cleanse Along With Lisa Williams!

Please join Jennifer as she Interviews Nykki Hardin a Natural Health Specialist and the founder of Nykki’s Cleanse. She is an expert at cleaning out the body to lose weight, gain energy, and reset the metabolism. She assists clients globally in experiencing vibrant health, emotional freedom, and fostering a deeper connection to Spirit. Nykki’s Cleanse has changed Jennifer’s life as well as many others. Michelle Eddins will also share her experience as a guest who participated with Jennifer on this cleanse. It was Jennifer’s Game Changer.

International Psychic Medium Lisa Williams was our surprise guest and describes how crucial it was for her to go through Nykki’s cleanse and how it changed her life.

“Nykki’s Cleanse totally changed my life. I have more energy and I have lost 60lbs to date. Not only that it changed my readings as they are much clearer. It’s not a diet it’s a lifestyle change. With the help and support from Nykki as you progress though this, you have all the tools that you need. I can’t wait to get back on Nykki’s Cleanse! I hope you all get to join me soon.â€

– Lisa Williams, International Psychic Medium


Right now for the next 48 hours, Nykki has provided a discount code “Spirit”  to receive $48.00 off of her 14 Day Cleanse