Skeptic Smash Talk

Skeptic Smash Talk

ep.42 Remember Skeptic Smash Talk?

November 15, 2016

00:00 Member the 5th of November
03:30 Brexit Update
07:07 Nigel Farage
09:10 Crown Prosecutors Consider Brexit Complaint
13:19 Anti-Vaxxers Fund a Study Showing No Link Between Autism and Vaccines
16:35 I defend Religion, sort of
23:30 The Nuns wont get you high
35:40 General Election Update
39:40 Feedback
45:45 Andrew Jackson

Hey America, do you remember when you tipped all out tea in Boston Harbor. Oh what about when that Tommy Jefferson guy wrote the Dear John declaration letter thing that looked really nice until John Hancock put his posh twat John Hancock on it? All is forgiven, come back home.

07:07 Elections News Nigel Farage branded an 'irrelevance' to Downing Street's future relationship with Donald Trump

09:10 Crown prosecutors consider complaint against Brexit EU referendum campaigns
13:19 On Autism Studies: This comes from, with words by Jessica Firger

Between 2003 and 2013, SafeMinds provided scientists from the University of Texas Southwestern School of Medicine, the University of Washington, the Johnson Center for Child Health & Development and other research institutions with approximately $250,000 to conduct a long-term investigation evaluating behavioral and brain changes of baby rhesus macaques that were administered a standard course of childhood vaccines. (The National Autism Association, another organization that has questioned vaccine safety, also provided financial support for this research.) The latest paper in the multiyear project was published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). In it, the researchers concluded that vaccines did not cause any brain or behavioral changes in the primates.
16:35 On Religion, I am going to do something just a little bit unexpected, and that’s because it’s the right thing to do, im going to take the side of and defend religion, well in a very narrow way that is
But as I am sure you know, Monasteries and Monks and Nuns are well know when it comes to scientific discoveries, One of my favorites was Gregor Mendel and his peas leading to our understanding of genetics, and did you know that Charles Darwin was distend for a life in the cloth? In fact him not going down that path is irrelevant to his work on the Galapagos….or evolution, in fact the Church was very supportive of his finding

But where the Churches are ignorant of Science it is recent and actually quite localised phenomenon in most cases, and in many cases this is because science has picked apart the bedtime stories that many die hard god botheres hold as Gospel, so rather than use the tool that on of there own developed, im talking William of Ockham here, they prefer to ignore the science…And I know it feels like it’s the majority of the religions that completely ignore Science, but this is a result of our atheist echo chamber its not completely really true, even the Vatican has its scientists, in fact they have the Pontifical Academy of Sciences which was re-founded in 1936….and I want to read quotes from 3 popes on the matter, but essentially, if you don’t get it from my shitty translation, they all say that science and religion can co -exist even if they don’t agree, more importantly, the pontiffs only want the scientists to find out what it true.

23:30 Nuns selling Woo Woo