The Jason Clause Show

The Jason Clause Show

Introduction to Positive Discipline Parenting Tools

April 16, 2020

Raising children is hard and I often wonder if my parenting is doing more harm than good.  This book, introduced an interesting question that caught my attention.  “What if misbehavior was just the symptom of a deeper root issue?”  If that’s true, then maybe I can learn how to identify those root issues and solve for that instead of constantly treating symptoms.

In this episode I talk about:

* The underlying theory and history  guiding the Positive Discipline parenting style* The 4 false beliefs that all children have that drive misbehavior* Comparisons to the more common parenting styles * How kindness & firmness can be used to encourage children allowing parents to work with kids instead of against them.

Show notes:

* Slide Deck * Positive Discipline Parenting Tools – Book* Rudolf Dreikurs* Alfred Adler* Positive Discipline Website* What they say vs. what they hear