The Jason Clause Show

The Jason Clause Show

Can your IT consultant stop these top cyber security threats?

February 04, 2020

Top cyber security threats to your business may be your IT provider themselves.

Most IT consultants use some kind of remote monitoring and management software to look after their client's computing environment.  These technologies are quite powerful and helpful, and also rank as some of the top cyber security threats out there.
In this episode, Joel Jacobs, one of my favorite people at Endsight, and it talk about these top cyber security threats and offer some things to look out for when talking about cyber security with your current IT consultant.

In this episode I talk about:

* What is an advanced persistent threat (APT)
* What are the threats generally to an IT consultant and specifically to a managed service provider
* What can you look for to when talking to your current provider to get a sense of how prepared they might be against this kind of attack.

About Joel Jacobs:

* Joel Jacobs
* VP of engineering & owner at Endsight
* Joel's LinkedIn profile

Show notes:

* Advanced Persistent Threat Activity Exploiting Managed Service Providers
* Protect yourself from CEO Fraud
* Need Cyber Security End User Training? Invite me to speak.

Jason Clause:     Welcome to the Jason Clause Show. I'm Jason Clause, your host. Today, we've got to do it, I'm sorry, we've got to talk a little bit more about cybersecurity.
Jason Clause:     Welcome, welcome, welcome everybody, my name is Jason Clause. This is the Jason Clause Show. My experience is that the best leaders out there, they are idea collectors. They are always on the lookout for great ways to help their team achieve more, whether that's good process, good technology, just good leadership tactics and techniques. This show is dedicated to finding those ideas, and trying to share them with a growing community of leaders, here in the Bay Area.
Jason Clause:     Like I said, I've got a great show for us today. We're going to be talk about something that's real specific, relating to cybersecurity. Ordinarily, I want to make sure that I'm measured in what we're talking about. Cybersecurity is a real thing, taking measured steps to protect yourself is an important thing. I try really hard to stay away from the fluff, or the "Ah, the sky is falling!" In this instance, it might not be unwarranted to be overly concerned about this.
Jason Clause:     Today, my topic is, is your current IT provider able to protect you from these top cybersecurity threats? The note here is, probably not, because they may very well the top threat. So, I'm bringing in some heavy armor, here, to help me. My guest today is one of the Co-Founders at Endsight, his name is Joel Jacobs, and he's one of my favorite people. He leads our Network Operations Center. We will start up with his interview, right after this.
Jason Clause:     Are you frustrated with your current outsourced IT provider? There can be a lot of reasons why. Typically, they're really just symptoms of a deeper root cause issue. We created a video that describes this root cause, in great detail. It's the single biggest reason we see companies not getting it done out there in the marketplace. If you'd like to check it out, head on over to our website,
Jason Clause:     All right. Welcome back from the break. Like I said, today we're going to be talking about ... It's kind of a scary topic, and I try really hard, in other podcasts,