The Jason Clause Show

The Jason Clause Show

3 inexpensive things you can do to increase IT security - The Jason Clause Show

September 11, 2016

61% of cyber attacks by hackers each year involve small to medium-sized businesses.  At least half of those companies won’t even know the attack has happened until it’s too late.

IT system security and data protection have always been important.  But as the statistics highlight, the need to focus attention on security is increasing for companies of all sizes.  Larger firms have the resources to spend heavily on the issue, but what can a small or mid-sized firm do?

In this episode, I share 3 Inexpensive ideas to make your network more secure.  I’ll also share a brief overview of my firms capabilities in this ever evolving area.

Show Notes:

* Information Security Awareness Concepts and Standards  
* LinkedIn group, “Good ideas for busy managers”  
* Human Firewall  from KM internal IT 
* Video: How to Create a Strong Password
* SlideShare on LinkedIn
* Article on LinkedIn

Acknowledgements - I didn't come up with any of this on my own.  I've learned from others.  Click here to meet my teachers.