

TWR #8 : Cruzing to the White House, LOL!

March 27, 2015

(http://theweeklyrewind.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Ted-Cruz-300x200.jpg)Kris is off with Kim Beaver doing what lesbians do, whatever that is. In the mean time Tristin, Gary, and David get together over cocktails to discuss the current events and pop culture of the last 7 days. This week they discuss Empire, Jason Vorhees, Heroes, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, and give you our Florida update. Next up we count down the top in box office, TV, and Music followed by your emails and the WTF moment of the week. Return next week when Kris will hopefully discuss the tragic, drawn out, agonizing, painful death of Ms Kim Beaver.